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School Aims
Burnside Primary School Glenlui Avenue Rutherglen Glasgow G73 4JE Directions to School
t.  0141 634 1916  f.  0141 630 0883 e.  office@burnside-pri.s-lanark.sch.uk
Welcome to Burnside Primary's school website.

We hope this will give you an insight into our wonderful school. Our aim is to provide a safe, inclusive and stimulating environment which ensures your child reaches their full potential.

Our highly experienced and committed staff team ensure that our shared school values are at the heart of all that we do at Burnside, putting your child's health, wellbeing and progress first at all times.Children are both supported and challenged in their learning and we seek to foster in them a positive attitude to learning and respect for themselves, others and the environment.

Children are supported to achieve all they can in being successful and confident life long learners and are encouraged to be active, responsible citizens in their community.You are welcome to contact us at any time and please be assured that no worry about your child is too small to share with us. We will do all that we can to help.

You can contact our school office on 0141 634 1916 or office@burnside-pri.s-lanark.sch.uk  

Please also follow us on X @burnsideprim

Thank you,
Gayle McDonald, Head Teacher                                                 
P1 Parents’ Literacy Workshop

The P1 teachers will be holding a P1 literacy workshop after school on Monday 23rd September, from 3- 3:45. Come along at pick-up time to learn more about how your children are learning, with some tips and techniques for you to help at home! We will look after your children in the gym hall while you attend the workshop. We hope you can come along.

Participatory Budgeting (PB)

Every year, schools receive additional funding (Pupil Equity Funding, or PEF) to support those in our communities most affected by poverty. A percentage of this is given over to participatory budgeting, where members of our community help to decide how we spend this money. This year, just over £2000 has been earmarked for PB. We need representatives from our parents, staff and pupils on a small ‘PB committee’. The committee will come up with 3 ideas about how to spend the money, and the whole school community will vote on the final spend. If you would like to be part of the committee, please let me know via email: headteacher@burnside-pri.s-lanark.sch.uk

Parent Council 

Our wonderful Parent Council have had their first meeting of the year, and they are working away to organise lots of fun events and fundraisers to support our school. Find them on Facebook for the most up-to-date information. 


We are delighted that our Parent Council have agreed to fund our partnership with GROW73 for another year. This means that the Natrue Rangers lunchtime club will be starting up again next week. Please look out for information in your child's bag, to sign up. We are always looking for parent volunteers to help with Nature Rangers- please let us know if you would like to be involved! 

Our Achievements (Added December 2023)

We were delighted to achieve a sixth Eco-Schools Green Flag Award in June 2023 to acknowledge all of the work we had done to help look after the environment. Earlier this school session we participated in a Food Waste Project which involved some of our eco ambassadors taking on the role of Waste Warriors and encouraging pupils to eat as much of their school lunch as possible to reduce food waste. The Waste Warriors on duty each day weighed the food waste and identified the main types of food being wasted. At assemblies on Friday 27th October 2023, we had visitors from South Lanarkshire Council. One of our visitors spoke to pupils about food waste and what we can do to reduce this. Our eco ambassadors had the opportunity to meet with our visitors to give their feedback on the Food Waste Project. At a recent Eco-Committee meeting, eco ambassadors met with someone from South Lanarkshire Council to share their feedback on the school lunch menu.

We were overjoyed to achieve a sportscotland Gold School Sport Award in June 2023 as recognition of all our hard work in raising the profile of sport in the school. On Tuesday 5th December 2023 we celebrated this achievement at our 'Burnside Got Gold - School Sport Award Presentation Ceremony' event. We will continue to build on our sporting success throughout this school year.

As part of skills development, earlier this school session our pupils had the opportunity to participate in masterclasses. The activities offered to pupils in Rooms 1-7 included Gardening, Board Games, Yoga, Construction and Jewellery Making. Pupils in Rooms 8-14 selected from activities which included Cross stitch, Photography, Massage, Mindfulness/Resilience and Rugby. We are looking forward to running  masterclasses again later in the school year where pupils will be provided with further skills-based learning opportunities.
Together at Burnside Primary we will:
Harness children’s abilities, encouraging ambition and resilience through a varied, challenging and enjoyable curriculum. We will foster personal achievement and skills for life in an inclusive, nurturing, respectful and shared environment.

Our pupils and our school community wanted our school values to reflect GIRFEC (Getting It Right For Every Child) as we believe these are the building blocks of all learning. They shape our behavious and interactions with each other. It is important that we live these values every day; that we talk about them and commit to fulfilling them. Our 'Happy High 5' values mean we all strive to be:-

Safe     Healthy     Active     Respectful    Responsible
House System

Our brand new House System is being introduced by Mr. Millar this term! The pupils have been sorted into 4 houses: Arran, Harris, Orkney and Skye. Our P7s are preparing election speeches and our first House Captains will be chosen. we look forward to taking part in House activities and celebrations! 

Pupil Council

The Pupil Council is led by Ms McDonald. We are in the process of electing our members! Our pupil councillors will help us to make important decisions about how to make our school better. 

Our Eco-Committee is made up of an eco ambassador from each of our classes and coordinated by Mrs Mullen. The topics we will be focussing on over the next two years are:
  • Climate Action
  • Litter and Waste
  • Biodiversity
As part of our journey towards achieving our next Green Flag, we will organise for pupils to go litter picking in the local community.

The Sustainable Development Goal we chose is:
  • Responsible Consumption and Production

Sports Council

The Sports Council is led by Miss McKinnon. We are in the process of choosing our members!

Kindness Council
Our Kindness Council, led by Miss Eynon, help ensure that kindness has a high profile at Burnside Primary. They have led initiatives including charity events, contributed to assemblies and ensured that everyone in our school has the opportunity to acknowledge acts of kindness by adding a 'leaf' to the kindness tree. We then hear what our staff and pupils have been doing for others during assemblies. Each class also nominates a class member to join Mrs. McGarvey at the Kindness Cafe each term.

Pupil Clubs
Early in Term 1 our Primary 7 pupils received Side Kicks training, providing them with the skills required to lead sport clubs for pupils in other stages under the supervision of a member of staff. Throughout Term 1 a variety of sporting opportunities were provided for pupils:
  • Multi-Sports
  • Dodgeball
  • Sportshall Athletics
  • Bikeability Level 1 Training
  • Football Coaching
  • Dance

In support of Developing the Young Workforce and skills development, our pupils have enjoyed taking part in a variety of masterclasses in school where they have learned new skills, developed new friendships and had great fun! Pupils have attended a variety of masterclasses run by school staff including gardening, board games, yoga, baking, construction, jewellery making, calligraphy, chess, drama and dance.
When purchasing school clothing, parents may wish to consider the following items:

- Pale blue shirt and tie for wear most days.
- Blue polo shirt for P.E days ( if desired).
- Royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan with school badge.
- Grey skirt/trousers/pinafore

School ties can be purchased at the School Office.

We have a fabulous bank of pre-loved uniform- many of the items are brand new! We are in the process of setting up an area in the foyer where you can help yourself, but in the meantime please contact the office with what items you need and sizes!